It's Illegal to Stand on the Railroad Tracks in Big Stink

Monday, October 31, 2011

They say Bonnie and Clyde robbed that old liquor store back when they were going around robbing places. Well,  I don't know if that's true, but that's the kind of story strangers like to hear when they pass through town.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Old man Wallace lives about a mile or so up that road. If you ever take a notion to drive out there to see him I would advise against it. Wallace sometimes shoots at people he doesn't know. Heck, he sometimes shoots at people he does know. I'd tell you to call him first but Wallace doesn't have a phone. If Wallace was a better shot he'd probably be in prison.
That's the Baptist Church over on Possum Street. Folks give what they can.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

In Big Stink just because you don't have a washing machine doesn't mean you have to walk around in dirty britches. All you need is a half hour and a hand full of quarters.
That's Ed's Place. Ed has the best hamburgers in town. Throw in an RC Cola and a Moon Pie and you'll have a real treat.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If the economy ever picks up out here in Big Stink, folks might get around to fixing up some of their old sheds. That will make Mike down at the hardware store mighty happy.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

That's the new granary. We haven't had much call to use it on account of the drought. For the time being we are just keeping our extra dust in there.

Friday, October 14, 2011

If you like hot sausage, that's the place to go in Big Stink.
That would be the train, well one of them anyway. They come through town on the hour.
That's Wilbur. He lives in the woods on the other side of the rail road tracks with a big old bull. I don't like that Mule. He's a mean one. He tried to bite me. He scared my dog too. I'm not sure if the bull even likes him.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

That's Maynard's place. I reckon if he ever gets tired of living there he can just hop the train and go someplace else. If we don't get some rain one of these days, he just might. You can't make a living selling brush.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

That's Buford. He is staying out back of Doc Parker's for a while on account of his eye. Somebody is going to eat Buford someday. It won't be me.
Talk around the barber shop is the government put that phone tower up to spy on us. Folks here in Big Stink don't trust the government. They don't trust the phone company either.